The Truth About Staying Healthy

Here’s the truth about your body, fighting disease and your ability to be Healthy.

In a world full of temporary patches for health problems, we must understand the TRUE cause of disease. About 3% of diseases are actually genetic. The other 97% are “epigenetic.” Epigenetic diseases and conditions are caused by exposure to toxins and/or deficiencies.

The good news is that, despite your family history of genetic diseases, you can still reduce the chances of developing almost every disease or unwanted health condition that exists.


It’s a simple concept:

1. Avoid the ABSORPTION of toxins into your body that can epigenetically facilitate disease.

2. Supplement the BASIC vitamins and minerals you need with very few simple plant-based products.

How to Avoid Absorption of Toxins:

Opting for reduced chemical and/or chemical-free food and beauty products is easier than ever. But… science and industry STILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY to toxify you. For example, when Health-minded folks dine out, they often opt for a salad. Unfortunately, vegetables are virtually always covered in pesticides (TOXINS!). Want a healthy piece of fish? It’s likely farm-raised and full of medications designed to keep fish alive in inhospitable environments.

The list of examples goes on…

So, how do you defend your body from ABSORBING toxins? The answer is to increase and maximize the defensive system that is already in place. This system resides in the wall of the small intestine where the ABSORPTION actually takes place.

Now, very few health professionals take a true interest in the evaluation and maximization of the small intestine. Why? Because there is more profit in treating disease processes than in curing them.

The great news is that more health care providers are seeing the light and taking an interest in what I call “Functional Health.”

Simply put, Functional Health is concerned only with discovering the CAUSE of health conditions. How do they do this? You guessed it. They typically begin with a systematic evaluation of the health and function of the small intestine. Once a proper laboratory evaluation has been performed, then the Functional Health provider can customize a restoration plan in order to stabilize, reduce or eliminate the ABSORPTION of toxins that can cause epigenetic diseases. Also, the Functional Health provider can easily recommend what simple plant-based supplements a healthy human actually requires.

Want to avoid disease? Want relief from a present condition such as digestive problems, allergies, insomnia, depression, inflammation, chronic pain, fatigue, hormone problems or any other undesirable health problems?

Start at the start. Start looking where problems originate. Start looking at your own Functional Health.

If you have concerns about what to do, contact us now.

In Health,

Daniel Farkas, DC, CFMP

Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

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