Health and wellness solutions


 We Are Here to Answer Common Questions That New Patients May Have.  

Though we take medical testing results and reported symptoms into account, we do not rely on these solely in order to create a plan to optimize health. Our testing is different and uses the latest technology in order to not just measure symptoms or levels of disease but to instead measure the levels of the things that create health such as ideal gut function, ideal hormone levels and ideal nutrient intake. Most importantly, we use the data collected from each individual in order to create a customized program to restore your present health potential.

You will complete the New Client Intake and submit any records you’d like for us to review. Once we have reviewed your information we will arrange an in-office or virtual consultation.

Virtual care is essentially as effective as traditional face-to-face care. Since we do not provide physical treatment such as a physical therapist would perform, it is not necessary to help our clients in person. We collect and send information securely according to HIPAA guidelines in order to protect our clients as well.

Re-testing using precision lab tests is our benchmark. Our mantra is, “we don’t guess, we test.” We will train you on test interpretation and ensure that you can eventually manage yourself independently.

We are passionate about helping children. The truth is that children are typically quite simple to assess and manage. We see the best results when entire families come under care together.

We prefer that you share what you are doing with us with your managing physician. We are glad to communicate your plan to any doctor of your choice.

This depends on the severity of your case. Typically, we work closely with our clients for weeks or sometimes 2-3 months. Our goal is to “graduate” a client who is capable of functioning independently. We then like to follow up with our clients as frequently as a dentist does… once or twice per year barring emergency.

Medical insurance covers medical testing, medication and surgery. Unfortunately, medical coverage is designed to “treat” and “maintain” diseases that may result in over-medication, surgery or worse. Our approach is the opposite. Medical insurers still decline to pay for true preventative and optimal health support. Perhaps one day they will embrace true prevention but for now providers and clients are outside of their system.

A range of costs could vary from a simple case having an average of $80/month over the course of a year to an advanced case which may require an average of $300/month over the course of a year. We will always inform you of any charge or expected charge in advance.

Most of our clients pay by credit or debit card. Health Savings Accounts are accepted as well. For those in need, we offer Care Credit which makes 0% interest healthcare financing for 12 months available.

Very few. In some instances, vitamins or supplements can interact with medications lessening the medication efficacy. We will always facilitate communication with any prescribing physician so that any negative interactions are completely avoided.

(248) 979-7340