Enjoying what we eat while we are eating is critical for numerous reasons including achieving a state of guilt-free, worry-free satisfaction once we push away from the table.
Enjoying what we eat while we are eating is critical for numerous reasons including achieving a state of guilt-free, worry-free satisfaction once we push away from the table.
Lifting that fork or spoon is meant to be 100% enjoyable. Food is life. With the help and management of natural healthcare providers, researchers, authors, spokespersons, and teachers we can eat with peace of mind. Knowledge is power and today we are fortunate to have access to outside-of-the-box strategies that can keep us smiling as we chew.
By the time the food is on our fork and poised for consumption, a lot of thoughts oftentimes accompany this simple act. “Is this good for me?” “Is this bad for me?” “Should I be eating this?” “Should I be eating more of this?” “Am I going to regret eating this?”
Inventive marketing from the food industry, desperate to sell products, does not simplify things. Unless we live off the grid, there is virtually no escape from advertising and educational information that overwhelms us and can constantly cause us to question what it is we know or think to be true about healthy diet choices. This threat to our certainty and peace of mind can take the enjoyment out of eating. Let’s walk through a safe path away from the dark road of “food anxiety.”
For a lot of us, we grew up during a time when virtually all food was okay. We’d walk through a grocery store and fill our cart with pretty much anything as long as we didn’t cram it full of sweets. We didn’t read labels much and had no real concern for hidden ingredients, pesticides, artificial colors or serious toxins. But times have changed due to the incorporation of commerce with the food industry. Food preservatives, artificial flavors, poisonous pesticides, genetically modified foods, and false advertising has created a quagmire of difficult choices that make it hard or impossible to feel completely good about what we buy and eat.
Food issues and sensitivities can cause bloating, cramping, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, fatigue, chronic pain, behavior problems, brain fog and just plain misery. Getting your personal food plan right is one of the biggest reasons for our clients’ success. We say, “Don’t guess… test.” Our state of the art food testing gives specific answers to diet concerns. Best of all, every one of our food test kits can be sent to you by mail virtually anywhere and every test result arrives with easy to follow instruction regarding what TO eat as well as what NOT to eat. Food can be your best friend or worst enemy in your quest for healing and health. Get certainty from testing and get well fast.
Our team of dedicated experienced functional medicine professionals is ready to assist you no matter where you are. We take your health seriously.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information or care provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information provided by Back to Health Natural Solutions is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition. Individual results may vary.
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