Antibiotic injury and your path to recovery

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Antibiotic Injury

“1 out 5 Emergency Room visits are due to antibiotic reactions. Antibiotic reactions are the number one reason for child emergency room visits.”

-Cleveland Clinic

What the prescribing doctor intends to happen:

Save lives and they often do.

What actually happens:

Death of healthy and beneficial bacteria in adults and especially in children whose immune systems are not fully developed.
NOTE: There is a resilient yet sensitive population of bacteria living in and on humans which influence the immune system.

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Possible Side-Effects

Negative side-effects that can unfortunately happen:

Get "Outside-The-Box"

Ordinary Answers

There are many ordinary answers… all with side-effects. Sadly, there is no ordinary solution, but here are some oftentimes disappointing approaches.

Stop Antibiotics

Add More Antibiotics

Steriods, Pain Medication, and more

Don't Skip on Getting The Right Help!

We can help you or find help for you no matter where you live!

Don't Skip on Getting The Right Help!

We can help you or find help for you no matter where you live!

Don't Guess...Test!

Good News…
An Extraordinary Approach Exists!

Have you seen advanced stool testing results like these? Our precision approach uses advanced testing to reveal what is imbalanced and what short-circuited the immune system.

How We Help