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Watch the video below to learn how it works
Learn more about winning against Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
How We Can Help
Crohn's and Colitis
We start with the gut because it represents the foundation of immune system function, health, and well-being. Some of our clients seek our help for conditions such as:
- Crohn's Disease
- Colitis
- Diverticulitis
- Pain
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Irritable Bowel Disease
- Food Sensitivities
- Food Allergies
- Indigestion
- Auto-Immune Conditions such as skin, joint, or thyroid issues
- Medication Intolerance
- Steroid Reations
- Chronic Fatigue
- Crohn's Disease
- Colitis
- Diverticulitis
- Pain
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Irritable Bowel Disease
- Food Sensitivities
- Food Allergies
- Indigestion
- Auto-Immune Conditions such as skin, joint, or thyroid issues
- Medication Intolerance
- Steroid Reations
- Chronic Fatigue
Testing is essential
Our Method
WE NEVER GUESS… WE TEST! Precision special testing is always the best place to begin. Test results give clear direction on how to best apply our “Gut Restoration Program.” Our Gut Restoration Program includes:
- Initial Testing of Stool as well as Food Sensitivity Testing. Click HERE for test results examples.
- Test interpretation and reporting from the doctor
- All necessary supplements shipped directly to you
- Necessary follow-up phone calls or office visits with our staff or doctor for close management of your progress during your 60-90 day program
Learn more about winning against Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Life Changing Results
Case Studies
Watch what Aaron says about his outcome.
Male Digestive Problems
CASE STUDY: Aaron, age 39
Precision specialty testing is always the best place to begin. Test results give clear direction on how to best apply our “Gut Restoration Program.”
- Appeared to be in excellent physical shape
- Eats "clean" but still was frustrated and concerned
- Complained of feeling bad after eating certain foods
- Complained of bloating and difficult bowel movement
- Aaron was very concerned about avoiding medications
- He stated he "just wanted answers about the cause of these issues"
Immediately we both agreed he needed a special food sensitivity test and an advanced stool test. We were able to ship the tests directly to his home and we had results within days.
What we found surprised him, considering how healthy he looked on the outside. We saw massive bacteria imbalance, leaky gut issues, severe food sensitivities, and more. We began a course of precision supplementation from a great source. Aaron avoided his food sensitivities and followed the simple plan we laid out for him.
RESULTS: He started showing improved in his comfort and function within 4 days of beginning his program and after 8 weeks, we both saw a completely new and improved Aaron. He sleeps better, exercises harder than ever, has perfectly functioning bowel pattern, is finally able to eat what he wants and has sincere peace of mind.
Watch what Kaila says about her outcome.
Female Digestive Problems
CASE STUDY: Kaila, age 39
Kaila was referred to me by a caring digestive health coach. Her condition was serious, as fatigue was preventing her from carrying out even basic daily activities. She was completely exhausted. She had visited every doctor she could think of. Kaila had tried various specialty diet approaches with zero results. Kaila was very concerned for herself as well as for her young family.
We jumped right in with an advanced stool test. We were able to ship the test directly to her home out of state, and we had results within about one week.
Test results revealed something that was never found before, even after dozens of tests. Kaila had developed serious bacterial imbalance in her gut, and her stool even had blood found in it that the ordinary tests had missed. Right away, we began using precision supplementation in accordance with what her tests called for, which began balancing her bacteria and healing the wall of her gut.
RESULTS: Kaila made faster than usual progress over approximately 8 weeks. She was quickly able to regain her energy and ability to care for her 9-year-old and her husband, as well as herself. She stopped laying in bed all day and got back to her real life.
A little science can help create a lot of health.
A little science can help create a lot of health.
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More Success Stories

Gary Allen
Country Music Star
“Thank you Dr. Farkas!”

John Taylor
Bassist, Duran Duran
“Dan… you were terrific. Yours is a talent worth having.”

Marcus Morris
Boston Celtics
“I’m a client of Dr. Farkas”

Simon Lebon
Singer, Duran Duran

Scott Zink
Golfer, Guinness World Record Holder, 505 Yard Hole in One
“Amazing! Thank you Dr. Daniel Farkas!”
Invest In Your Health
Investing in your health is crucial for success. We welcome payment by credit card/debit card or health savings account. Health insurance companies choose not to cover our Alternative and Natural Health program since they involve no medicine or medical treatment of any kind.
Who We ARe
About Us
Dr. Daniel Farkas, D.C, C.F.M.P.
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
“I founded the Gut Restoration Institute to provide a completely different kind of healthcare; one that focuses on what causes us to be healthy. Our award-winning practice puts clients first. We go beyond the simple management of symptoms and look solely for the root causes of illness.”
-Dr. Daniel Farkas

Brandi Farkas, R.N.
Registered Nurse and Natural Healthcare Practitioner
Brandi Farkas is an RN and Natural Healthcare Practitioner. She has worked in natural health care for 20 years and has a huge passion for implementing natural ways to stay healthy that fit into each individual’s lifestyle.
Brandi worked as a Personal Trainer and Nutritional Guidance Counselor before she decided to become an RN. After years of working with medicine, she found that in many cases, there was a natural alternative to prescriptions and that people using these alternatives were much happier.