Winning against Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Contact Dr. Farkas Today For More Information

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Understand the Cause

  1. Bacteria Imbalance: Bacteria coat the entire inside lining of the intestines. These bacteria police the entire digestive system and keep everything calm and in check. These bacteria also signal to the brain and immune system with electrical and chemical signals. When bacteria are out of balance, these signals can trigger severe immune reactions such as ulcers, lesions, pain, inflammation and worse all leading to disease of the colon. Getting the good and bad bacteria levels measured with advanced stool testing is key. See a sample at-home Stool and Food test result HERE.
  2. Intestinal Wall Breakdown: The inner lining of the intestines is the exact spot where the things you eat get into your bloodstream. Unfortunately, this protective lining can break down which results in an invasion of irritants into the bloodstream. This invasion causes the immune system to respond with inflammation, pain, swelling, or lesions and creates sensitivities to even normal, healthy foods. Getting the gut wall’s level of strength evaluated with advanced stool testing is crucial to successful treatment. See a sample at-home Stool and Food test result HERE.
  3. Food Sensitivities and Food Allergies: You may have food allergies such as a wheat allergy which causes an immediate negative response when you eat that problem food. You also may have numerous food sensitivities which come as a result of the inner lining of the gut being broken down. Getting these inflammation-causing foods identified with necessary food allergy and food sensitivity testing is a large piece of the puzzle. See a sample at-home Stool and Food test result HERE.
  4. Genetic Factors: Genes determine how your body creates necessary ingredients for normal function. Many people with chronic digestive issues have a gene issue where the body simply can’t make the glue that normal healthy bacteria require in order to stick to the gut wall lining to thrive. Simple at-home genetic testing gives clear answers about “Why” chronic colitis is a factor. The interpretation of easy at-home genetic testing can reveal the real reason colitis, Crohn’s, IBS, IBD, diverticulitis, and more problems are present. This info gives critical information that will guide treatment strategies for life.

Create a Solution

  1. Advanced Stool Test Results: Ordinary testing gives ordinary information leading to drug treatment such as antibiotic use, antacid treatment, steroid use and more. Sadly, these treatments can sometimes complicate matters or even worsen them. Our approach is to examine your specific levels of healthy and unhealthy bacteria levels in order to create a strategy to bring your levels into balance. This can create peace and harmony between the healthy bacteria and your immune system.
  2. Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity Results: Food can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Proper testing reveals exactly what foods are right or wrong for you. This knowledge is necessary for your healing plan to work for you. Having peace of mind regarding your diet can lessen stress as well which is ideal during your recovery.
  3. Genetic Results: By understanding where you have true genetic weaknesses, you can create a lifelong strategy to work around your weak genes. The right precision support can help you boost up the areas where your body is weak and unable to make the things necessary for gut health.

Precision Supplementation

Advancements in all-natural support for colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease sufferers have created a never-before-seen approach to handling digestive disorders. Ordinary probiotics, vitamins, and anti-inflammatories are limited in what they can accomplish. Gladly, there is something new and promising. We call these breakthrough support products “Medical Foods.” Please note that there is NO MEDICINE in these supplement blends, but they work so powerfully to cut inflammation and restore bacteria function that we have come to call them “Medical Foods.” By using your specific test results, we can create a plan to not only get things back in order but also will train you on how to manage your condition for life using this advanced, all-natural, and drug-free approach.

Long-term Results

Our clients are happy knowing that they can manage themselves for life. By understanding where you are as far as bacteria levels, food issues, genetics and causes of inflammation, you can take control of your future. Education is the number one factor to long-term success.

If you are curious, we invite you to connect with us now to see how we might help you reclaim your health through advanced at-home testing, advanced nutritional support, education and compassionate care.

Great news, we can help you no matter where you live as we work virtually. This convenient approach is preferred by our clients since we can send our at-home tests kits and precision supplementation by mail wherever they are.

Imagine yourself feeling more normal with the knowledge you need to care for yourself. You can improve with the right approach.

We now invite you to join our growing group of clients who have recovered their comfort, joy, and peace of mind. Scroll down to view testimonials from Kalia and Aaron.

Contact Dr. Farkas Today To Learn How He Can Help You!

Life Changing Results

Case Studies

Watch what Aaron says about his outcome.

Male Digestive Problems

CASE STUDY: Aaron, age 39

Precision specialty testing is always the best place to begin. Test results give clear direction on how to best apply our “Gut Restoration Program.”

Immediately we both agreed he needed a special food sensitivity test and an advanced stool test. We were able to ship the tests directly to his home and we had results within days. 

What we found surprised him, considering how healthy he looked on the outside. We saw massive bacteria imbalance, leaky gut issues, severe food sensitivities, and more. We began a course of precision supplementation from a great source. Aaron avoided his food sensitivities and followed the simple plan we laid out for him. 

RESULTS: He started showing improved in his comfort and function within 4 days of beginning his program and after 8 weeks, we both saw a completely new and improved Aaron. He sleeps better, exercises harder than ever, has perfectly functioning bowel pattern, is finally able to eat what he wants and has sincere peace of mind. 

Watch what Kaila says about her outcome.

Female Digestive Problems

CASE STUDY: Kaila, age 39

Kaila was referred to me by a caring digestive health coach. Her condition was serious, as fatigue was preventing her from carrying out even basic daily activities. She was completely exhausted. She had visited every doctor she could think of. Kaila had tried various specialty diet approaches with zero results. Kaila was very concerned for herself as well as for her young family.

We jumped right in with an advanced stool test. We were able to ship the test directly to her home out of state, and we had results within about one week.

Test results revealed something that was never found before, even after dozens of tests. Kaila had developed serious bacterial imbalance in her gut, and her stool even had blood found in it that the ordinary tests had missed. Right away, we began using precision supplementation in accordance with what her tests called for, which began balancing her bacteria and healing the wall of her gut.

RESULTS: Kaila made faster than usual progress over approximately 8 weeks. She was quickly able to regain her energy and ability to care for her 9-year-old and her husband, as well as herself. She stopped laying in bed all day and got back to her real life.

A little science can help create a lot of health.

We can help you no matter where you live!

A little science can help create a lot of health.

We can help you no matter where you live!

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More Success Stories

Picture of Gary Allen

Gary Allen

Country Music Star

“Thank you Dr. Farkas!”

Picture of John Taylor

John Taylor

Bassist, Duran Duran

“Dan… you were terrific. Yours is a talent worth having.”

Picture of Marcus Morris

Marcus Morris

Boston Celtics

“I’m a client of Dr. Farkas”

Picture of Simon Lebon

Simon Lebon

Singer, Duran Duran
“Daniel is highly effective.”
Picture of Scott Zink

Scott Zink

Golfer, Guinness World Record Holder, 505 Yard Hole in One

“Amazing! Thank you Dr. Daniel Farkas!”

What Our Clients Say

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We are ready and waiting to help you get back to health.