10 Best Tips to Help Prevent the Cold and Flu Virus this Year

It’s that time of year again. Your office has been taken over by the harmonious sound of coughing and trumpet-like nose blowing. Once again you find yourself hiding in your cubicle, feeling Closter-phobic in a germ-infested world.
Natural help for Neuropathy finally!!!

It’s so crazy how it happens… the tingling that turns to poking that turns to stinging that turns to stabbing that turns to serious misery.
The Truth About Staying Healthy

Here’s the truth about your body, fighting disease and your ability to be Healthy. In a world full of temporary patches for health problems, we must understand the TRUE cause of disease.
Inflammation… how to tame it

Please know that inflammation is the body’s repair/defense system. Whenever there is invasion or tissue damage from a cut, scrape, break, sprain or strain the immune system deploys the rescue and repair crew. Inflammation is the process of creating and delivering specialized cells that repair damage AND fight foreign invaders.